カレントテラピー 32-6 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 32-6 サンプル

70 Current Therapy 2014 Vol.32 No.6576try 26:13-18, 201311) Klein E, Kreinin I, Chistyakov A, et al:Therapeutic efficacyof right prefrontal slow repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulationin major depression:a double-blind controlled study.Arch Gen Psychiatry 56:315-320, 199912) Fitzgerald PB, Huntsman S, Gunewardene R, et al:A randomizedtrial of low-frequency right-prefrontal-cortex transcranialmagnetic stimulation as augmentation in treatmentresistantmajor depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 9:655-666, 200613) Kito S, Fujita K, Koga Y:Changes in regional cerebral bloodflow after repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation of theleft dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in treatment -resistantdepression. J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci 20:74-80, 200814) Kito S, Hasegawa T, Koga Y:Neuroanatomical correlates oftherapeutic efficacy of low-frequency right prefrontal transcranialmagnetic stimulation in treatment-resistant depression.Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 65:175-182, 201115) Downar J, Daskalakis ZJ:New targets for rTMS in depression:a review of convergent evidence. Brain Stimul 6:231-240, 201316) Huang YZ, Edwards MJ, Rounis E, et al:Theta burst stimulationof the human motor cortex. Neuron 45:201-206, 200517) Hamada M, Terao Y, Hanajima R, et al:Bidirectional longtermmotor cortical plasticity and metaplasticity induced byquadripulse transcranial magnetic stimulation. J Physiol586:3927-3947, 200818) Chistyakov AV, Rubicsek O, Kaplan B, et al:Safety, tolerabilityand preliminary evidence for antidepressant efficacy oftheta -burst transcranial magnetic stimulation in patientswith major depression. Int J Neuropsychopharmacol 13:387-393, 201019) Castren E:Neuronal network plasticity and recovery fromdepression. JAMA Psychiatry 70:983-989, 201320) Kito S, Pascual-Marqui RD, Hasegawa T, et al:High-frequencyleft prefrontal transcranial magnetic stimulation modulatesresting EEG functional connectivity for gamma bandbetween the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and precuneusin depression. Brain Stimul 7:145-146, 2014