カレントテラピー 35-11 サンプル

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カレントテラピー 35-11 サンプル

24 Current Therapy 2017 Vol.35 No.111034るが,循環血液量減少によるとされる早期dumping症状をもアカルボースが改善させるとされ,そのインクレチン作用の遅延への影響による可能性が考察されている21).また腸管気腫症(pneumatosis cytoides intestinalis:PCI)は腸管壁の粘膜下ないし漿膜下に含気性嚢胞が生じる比較的まれな疾患であるが,α- GI投与による誘発例も散見される.特異的症状を欠くため疑わなければ診断されないことが多い.またPCI例のうち門脈ガス(portal venous gas:PVG)を併発する例は予後不良とされる22)が,腸管壊死なくα-GI投与と関連したPVG(図4)では,α-GI中止により自然軽快される例もあることをわれわれは報告しており23),α-GI投与例のPVGの存在意義は別に扱われるべきと考えている.【謝辞】稿を終えるに臨み,超音波所見について多くのご教示をいただいた秋田赤十字病院消化器内科 石田秀明先生へ深謝いたします.参考文献1) Chiasson JL, Josse RG, Gomis R, et al:Acarbose for preventionof type 2 diabetes mellitus:the STOP-NIDDM randomizedtrial. Lancet 359:2072-2077, 20022) Kawamori R, Tajima N, Iwamoto Y, et al:Voglibose for preventionof type 2 diabetes mellitus:a randomized, doubleblindtrial in Japanese individuals with impaired glucose tolerance.Lancet 373:1607-1614, 20093) Shinozaki K, Suzuki M, Ikebuchi M, et al:Improvement ofinsulin sensitivity and dyslipidemia with a new alpha-glucosidaseinhibitor, voglibose, in nondiabetic hyperinsulinemicsubjects. Metabolism 45:731-737, 19964) 朴 明俊,遅野井 健,斎藤三代子:糖尿病患者におけるacarboseの1,5-anhydroglucitolに及ぼす影響.Diabetes Frontier8:230-233, 19975) Watanabe K, Uchino H, Ohmura C, et al:Different effects oftwo alpha-glucosidase inhibitors, acarbose and voglibose, onserum 1,5-anhydroglucitol(1,5AG)level. J Diabetes Complications18:183-186, 20046) Kubo S, Watada H, Kawamori R:Combination therapy ofmiglitol and insulin in type 1 diabetes mellitus patients. J DiabetesInvestig 1:60-65, 20107) Nagai E, Katsuno T, Miyagawa J, et al:Effects of miglitol incombination with intensive insulin therapy on blood glucosecontrol with special reference to incretin responses in type 1diabetes mellitus. Endocr J 58:869-877, 20118) Qualmann C, Nauck MA, Holst JJ, et al:Glucagon-like peptide1(7-36 amide)secretion in response to luminal sucrose fromthe upper and lower gut. A study using alpha-glucosidaseinhibition(acarbose). Scand J Gastrienterol 30:892-896, 19959) Narita T, Katsuura Y, Sato T, et al:Miglitol induces prolongedand enhanced glucagon-like peptide-1 and reducedgastric inhibitory polypeptide responses after ingestion of amixed meal in Japanese Type 2 diabetic patients. DiabetMed 26:187-188, 200810) Mikada A, Narita T, Yokoyama H, et al:Effects of miglitol,sitagliptin, and initial combination of both on plasma incretinresponses to a mixed meal and visceral fat in over-weightJapanese patients with type 2 diabetes. “the MASTER randomizedcontrolled trial.” Diabetes Res Clin Pract 106:538-547, 201411) Do HJ, Lee YS, Ha MJ, et al:Beneficial effects of vogliboseadministration on body weight and lipid metabolism via gastrointestinalbile acid modification. Endocr J 63:691-702, 201612) den Besten G, van Eunen K, Groen AK, et al:The role ofshort-chain fatty acids in the interplay between diet, gutmicrobiota, and host energy metabolism. J Lipid Res 54:2325-2340, 201313) Tseng YH, Tsan YT, Chan WC, et al:Use of an α-GlucosidaseInhibitor and the Risk of Colorectal Cancer in PatientsWith Diabetes:A Nationwide, Population -Based CohortStudy. Diabetes Care 38:2068-2074, 201514) Inoue M:Tighter control of postprandial hyperglycemiawith mitiglinide/voglibose fixed-dose combination in Japanesepatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Expert Opinionon Pharmacotherapy 13:2257-2268, 201215) Hillebrand I, Boehme K, Frank G:The effects of the alphaglucosidaseinhibitor BAY g 5421(Acarbose)on postprandialblood glucose, serum insulin, and triglyceride levels:dosetime-response relationships in man. Res Exp Med(Berl)175:87-94, 197916) Ogawa S, Takeuchi K, Ito S:Acarbose lowers serum triglycerideand postprandial chylomicron levels in type 2 diabetes.Diabetes Obes Metab 6:384-390, 200417) Nakano T, Inoue I, Seo M, et al:Acarbose attenuates postprandialhyperlipidemia:investigation in an intestinalabsorptive cell model. Metabolism 58:583-585, 200918) Masuda K, Aoki K, Terauchi Y:Effects of miglitol taken justbefore or after breakfast on plasma glucose, serum insulin,glucagon and incretin levels after lunch in men with normalglucose tolerance, impaired fasting glucose, or impaired glucosetolerance. J Diabetes Investig 2:435-440, 201119) Aoki K, Nakamura A, Ito S, et al:Administration of miglitoluntil 30 min after the start of a meal is effective in type 2diabetic patients. Diabetes Res Clin Pract 78:30-33, 200720) Fujita Y, Tamada D, Kozawa J, et al:Successful treatmentof reactive hypoglycemia secondary to late dumping syndromeusing miglitol. Intern Med 51:2581-2585, 201221) Cadegiani FA, Silva OS:Acarbose promotes remission ofboth early and late dumping syndromes in post -bariatricpatients. Diabetes Metab Syndr Obes 9:443-446, 201622) Morris MS, Gee AC, Cho SD, et al:Management and outcomeof pneumatosis intestinalis. Am J Surg 195:679-683, 200823) Watanabe T, Ishida H, Komatsuda T, et al:Portal gas in adiabetic patient under pharmacotherapy with an alpha-glucosidaseinhibitor:report of a case with emphasis on USfindings. J Med Ultrason 36:207-210, 2009